

  • Hannah--I love those! I can't tell you how many times I've let life get in the way and been distracted from my health & fitness goals...only to get a few months down the road and be frustrated at how much better I could be looking and feeling if only I'd stuck with it. So many, "if only..." moments! I'll need to remember…
  • The last thing I want to be is paranoid. If I were to have any combination of those symptoms, I wouldn't necessarily seek help. I don't know how severe any one of those has to be to actually *mean* something. I'm 40 and doctors usually scoff when I ask about my risk--like having a heart attack is strictly for those over…
  • Been a while since I've checked in--I was sick early this week. The good news is that the scale has budged! Three more pounds down. Woot! I'm finding out that having a third baby at 40 makes the weight come off that much slower. :grumble: But at least it's coming off. I've been recovering the last couple of days and I'm…
  • pricer - the cardio involved during CE, in my opinion, is different. If you've done TJ, then you'll recognize some moves; however, it's not Turbo-ish at all. It's your face, intense cardio. Anyone who's had a lot of experience with all the TJ workouts will tell you that they don't slack off; but the CE…
  • pricer - I've also got arthritis in my knees and I've been doing TJ for two years. Here is my very best advice for you: follow Mindy. Like Ana Rita, she does everything low impact; however, she also does it with less intensity. Start out following Mindy. When you're feeling strong, then follow Ana Rita--she's quite intense…
  • I loooooove Turbo Jam! The first couple of times can be a challenge because you're just getting familiar with the moves--and you can feel a little silly. Just keep a good attitude and keep in mind that you'll eventually get it just fine. Like it's been said before, Chalene always reminds you that even the mistakes burn…
  • Kinda new here, but I'm really happy to see other TJ fans! I got my Jam on this morning. :) Great to see you. :wink: