I recently bought a book called..." You are what you eat" and it has changed my outlook on a lot of things. Maybe you would be interested in reading it. It explains what this bad food does to your body and how to help yourself live a long healthy life.
I was also on metformin for about a year to see if that helped. But recently i found out that i was on such a low dose, it wasnt going to help anyways. My cousin also has pcos and she is on a special birth control to alleviate painful cysts, she has a little pen for shots (and she had normal sugar levels) , and takes 8…
I have exercised in the past, but was unable to lose more than 20lbs. At this point i have started the diet and am working out. Im gonna switch doctors because mine is saying that there isnt a real way to treat me because i have normal sugar levels. Thank you everyone, Im gonna keep doing this!!