

  • Forgive yourself and keep moving. The only one that loses is the one that never tried. Remember why you want to do this in the first place. My personal reasons are: I want to be able to hike and bike and love life into old age. The more I move now the more I will be able to keep moving in the future. I am slowly learning…
  • Thank you so much for sharing. Your pics are wonderful before and after!!!!
  • You are on here so all hope is not lost. Just need to forgive yourself and start again. Re-commit to you! Write it out, post it on your mirror. Tell yourself how beautiful you are, then say it again. See something anything in the mirror you can love about yourself and really go inside and feel it even it is just your eyes.…
  • I'm sorry but if a man said that to me I'd walk away even if I am fat. If you aren't already beautiful in his eyes he is not the one! You are beautiful already and you should never change yourself for someone else. Even if you do it won't last because it would be for the wrong reason. Love yourself and never allow someone…
  • Movie quote. Disney Hercules. lol
  • Wow great job. Good for you. You will definitely meet your goal! Congrats on being chosen!
  • nope wouldn't defriend them...I have about 20 pair---to match my scrubs...super comfy cheaper and easier to clean than Danskos or sanitas...just sayin
  • If you cant avoid her, I would take everything she says to you and turn it around in your head as a compliment. And keep telling yourself how beautiful and wonderful you are, because its true! you can confront her and ask her to stop, but you cant change other people, just your reactions to them.
  • I love all these posts! Thank you for being brave enough to be on here. Thank you for allowing us all into your world! Love yourself, you are beautiful! Wow the responses on here have really encouraged me with my own journey. Thanks again!
  • Number one thing for me is love yourself! If you cant love yourself the way you are the pounds will come back no matter how much you lose. all the tips above are great! I have lost and gained my whole life but have recently decided. I can live with myself the way I am, no matter what anyone else thinks. Yes I could stand…
  • When I was looking wanted a Wt watchers one, but you can get similar digital scales with fat and water calculations at walmart cheaper... $28 on line isn't bad though when I looked at a Weight watchers one through a group it was 40-45
    in Scale Comment by terrieleeb July 2013
  • Ok I see what you are saying here but what about the day after night shift and the day before. Since I flip flop days to nights every other weekend I tend to have two really long up times in there. Should I only eat the recommended calories or since I am up longer eat every 4 hours? unsure...