

  • Hello! I used to run regularly a couple years ago on average 5-10 kms a couple days a week. I was in an accident last year and gained some weight from being inactive, I just got cleared last week to start running again! So my fiancé and I made a commitment to each other to run a half marathon in June! I am optimistic that…
  • yah I would not be happy in anything but shorts and a tank top in that kinda weather! I am actually from Canada, but have been living in melbourne for the past 10months or so, working and exploring...pretty son my visa runs out and I will be going back to canada to finish my schooling then will hopefully be moving back to…
  • yah its cooled down here a bit, not in the 40's today, first time this week! So its now safe to go for runs again lol! I must say I have been enjoying it though, and only have about 6 weeks left of the heat till I'm back to the snow! Hows sydney been, is it cooler down or getting hotter? Thanks for the info sara_rojo! Its…
  • I don't have access to a gym(I'm a nanny living in an expensive area), so I have been making my own weights with water bottles, filling them with sand from the beach. I don't have a weigh scale and only weigh myself about once a month to make sure I am on track since I mostly go by how my clothes fit, and measurements. I…
  • I use GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protien...Vanilla, it tastes really good and is not to overpowering if your adding fruits and whatnot to make a smootie. Its also just good with milk.
  • Hey there! I have been here on MFP for about 3 months now and have been pretty successful...but don't have a workout buddy and was kind of curious if there is anyone in Melbourne, Australia who would like to get together and do exercise related stuff? Please let me know if your interested! Cheers, Brandy