Fabulous job! I love your tips and tricks above. Real results with a real livable plan.
This is ME!
I am so inspired by everyone's stories. My story began in July 2013 at 333. Currently I am 273, down 60.
Love it! Your starting weight is where I currently am (I have lost almost 60# already, but have a long way to go). It is nice to see pictures so I have a visual to aim for. You look so toned, especially your arms. You rock!
I am 5'9 1/2". Currently at 280 (started at 333). My goal is 185 for now. I haven't seen that number since middle school. Once I get there, who knows... the sky is the limit.
I can't wait to start!! If these pics are any indication, great things are in my future!
Bumping, so that I may use later.
Thank you so much for your replies, kristy and jackson. Very helpful info. I can see I am going to need to invest in one of these soon.
Don't shoot me, I am a novice to heart rate monitors. So my question is, I see you mention a chest strap. Does it have to be worn during exercise? Also, does it fit one with ahem *large* chests? This may be a problem for me. Thanks for the help!
Fascinating. Yet scary.
333 pounds and 5'9". Working my way down. Currently, 299.6