

  • Your post is incredibly inspiring to me, and today I have a new sign on my refrigerator that reads "7 months from now you will look back and be happy you started today!" (that's is when I should be at my goal weight). It worked like a charm today and was very motivating to read each time I glanced at it :) You are such an…
  • Yes, would like to join you ladies!! I could use the motivation....I have watched the scale creep up over the past few months, and need to make working out daily a habit.
  • I am getting started again, too! Hoping that clean eating and exercise at least 5x/week will give me the body I want by summertime! Height: 5'3" CW: 147 GW: 115 (but reducing the jiggle and increasing muscle is most important to me) I am working out at home, combination of elliptical, and workout DVDs. I just ordered some…
  • Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story. I am starting a new weight loss plan and it is so inspiring to read about people like you who have had great success, I am going to print out your tips and keep them nearby! Congratulations, you look so much healthier and happier!
  • I highly recommend Eat to Live, or anything by Dr. Joel Fuhrman!! I enjoy reading his blog as well,
  • Wow, huge transformation! You are looking great, look at your waist!!! Keep up the excellent work! :)
  • I would highly recommend Dr. Joel Fuhrman as a great resource for information about a plant-based diet. Check out his website, for science-based information. One of my favorite vegan websites for recipes is, and Good luck!
  • Have you checked out Appetite for Reduction by Isa Moskowitz? Very easy, fast and yummy recipes! Also, check out her blog,, I live in a small town as well with no access to a Whole Foods, but have been able to make most of her recipes using ingredients from local chain grocery stores. Happy cooking! :)