I used one for about 6 to 8 months, and I loved it! It gives you a more accurate idea of how much exercise you are getting around the clock, and frankly, it's fun to use! The website is a lot like this one, but the bugg automatically downloads to it. Wearing also makes you more conscious of moving more - I called it…
I've tried it, and didn't find it very useful. I think if your problem area is that you take in too much fatty foods, it could help you to block a few extra calories - if your a carbs girl, the Alli won't help much. And yes, it can cause you to leak a liquid that looks like the oil on the top of a pizza! (Don't wear any…
I think the idea is that you burn up your stored supplies, instead of burning off your breakfast food first...the problem is whether or not you have enough energy to have a good workout. If eating breakfast gives you the energy to workout harder, I'd say that's the better option.