

  • "I may as well give up now. I miss the days where I didn't crucify myself for eating 3 slices of pizza. I miss not breaking out in a cold sweat when the family want to eat out. I miss being talked to, and being able to talk back. I'm losing everyone, including my fiance. I really thought this journey would make me feel…
  • Ok, I've heard all this before. Theres 2 ways I can put this. I can be nice, or I can tell it like it is. Ok, so you binged on chocolate - we've all done it - the thing is you know it's not the best, but we've all been there. (me too last night. Yes, I ate 2 easter eggs). Dont deprive yourself of these things though as…
  • I started weight watchers at the start of the year and lost 2 and a half stone, now I'm at the weight I wanted to be and I've been at the gym just toning myself up. I know the gym can be boring and theres not much there to motivate you, however, I've noticed that in my area there are a lot of 5k's and 10k runs going on. So…