

  • I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada. Living in Newfoundland right now while I'm going to university.
  • I hated running also, I think everyone does when they start out. Now I go for 40 minutes every day, and i LOVE it. I couldn't stop if I tried. I'm not sure exactly why you hate it, but I'll tell you why I did. It's hard, but that's never made me dislike any other kind of exercise, the reason I hated it was because of my…
  • holy moses, i finally GET it! i've read all of the postings about this topic, and i was in debate with myself about whether I should try to eat all those leftover calories i get from working out or not. i workout a LOT and i find it hard to eat all those calories, so i always had about 500 leftover at the end of my day. i…
  • i go to the gym 5 days per week and go to a local lane swim once per week. here's my schedule, which i'm finding pretty good: MONDAY: ABS medicine ball: - crunches (3X30) - obliques(2X20) - knee tucks(3X10) TUESDAY: LOWER BODY - walking lunges(15 each leg) - medicine ball squats (3X15 with feet pointed straight, 3X15 with…
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