

  • Oh, that's fine. Americans could stand to broaden their palettes - indeed one of my coworkers nearly vomited when I told her I had eaten candied meal worms.
  • It also depends on what type of breasts you have. I have extremely fibrous breasts and so they sit high on my chest and are very firm (which SUCKS come mammogram time), and because of this, when ever I do chest exercises, my pects beef up and my breasts get bigger. You're welcome to think this is fabulous, but before birth…
  • Anything that can be grilled. I grilled butternut squash the other day. Good gluten free alternatives that are low in in calories per serving. Dark chocolate with sea salt (because everyone has cravings sometimes).
  • Being gluten free... I miss regular food. I miss doughnuts and bread that rises properly, and pasta that doesn't taste like corn. I miss not having to scour every single ingredient list when I buy something new.