

  • Some years ago, I woke up one morning and decided that in order to help with my consistency with my weight and fitness goal, I'd set a goal to run a marathon. (I was also working on my patience at the time with myself.) So, I went online and just arbitrarily chose the prettiest scenic marathon I could find. I signed up for…
  • My arms, my wrists, my waist, and my ankles.
  • Thanks for sharing! Lived off everything at Whole Foods when I was in Colorado and found them in Florida now!
  • Hi, something I was taught by a trainer is to rotate between the treadmill and the rowing machine. Turn on the treadmill to a feasible level and add an incline that is suitable. Set your time for 1-3 minutes - jog or fast walk for 1-3 minutes then leave the treadmill running and row on the machine for the exact same time…