

  • Trying to GAIN weight? You can have all my extra!!! I will be more than happy to give it all to you at absolutely no cost!!
  • I joined up just yesterday so am still a "newbie". I'm also quite computer illiterate and I'm not even sure if what I'm doing right now is going to take-- How do people join groups, have pals, etc? Is it just posting like this or can it be more detailed??? I am a 48 year female-- I could use some "help" and an on-line…
  • I just joined this site as well- I joined a health club a few months ago and found out about this site from someone there. I like the idea of tracking my food and exercise on line- that should help me out alot! I am 48, mother of 2 and need encouragement every step of the way! Best of luck to all of us!!:wink:
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