

  • Hi welcome to a great web site!!!. Your meds might still be in your system and preventing the weight from falling off. Just continue to eat right and exercise. And it will come off with persistence. Good luck we are all here to support each other. :)
  • Good job for making the choice to get healthy. That is what this site is all about. It is only your first day, so don't beat yourself up. Everyday is a new day to start over. You just have to try a little harder and day by day it will work. It takes 3 weeks to create a new habit. So just keep working at it and don't stress…
  • I work full time and find that in the mornings I can't drag myself up to go exercise. I like going after work. I aquacize 3 times a week and try to work out at home on alternating days. But if I sit down as soon as I get home I find that I am not likely to finish a workout after I relax.