

  • If that were the case wouldn't the issue be fixed when I take the shoes off to run then? Because I've done that and it doesn't help.
  • Thank you! When you google "butt muscle stretch" the results can be, er, not what I wanted. Knowing the muscle name really, really helps! I'm pretty sure this muscle is the issue here, but I'm definitely going to have to ask a doctor next time I'm in. I've been stretching this muscle all weekend and still had the feet fall…
  • I'm doing my best to do a mid-foot stride (so much shorter strides) because it forces my posture to be better while I run and since i have a neck injury that I'm still recovering from that's what's most important to me. It got too cold this week to try it barefoot so I ended up on my treadmill last night instead and had…
  • Yeah, I run near the shore so it's not terribly irregular in terms of the landing because it's decently packed, but I definitely have less knee pain there than when I run on concrete which I think is because of the impact protection. But you're right, it is at an angle that way, so I wonder if that could be it... I guess I…