

  • I log on every day. Try my best to stay motivated (95% of the time). am starting to get excercise target driven and am veggie so anyone can feel free to add me. I don't hide my diary , that way I can remain accountable and am looking for more friends who do the same. We all need encouragement on our down days!
  • Thailand - without a doubt! Lived there for a year and Lord willing will get to move back soon but for much longer!
  • Hey thank you for all your hard work in the pet stores to try and educate prospective pet owners! I'm sure you have made a real difference to many animals ensiring they have much better living conditions. :-) xx
  • Hi do you know where I can buy Paul Mitchell? I can't seem to find it in any shops? Wanted to try their shampoo. Also totally agree about the free range. x
  • I'm LOVING the Body Shop at the mo for all things cosmeticy! They are still cruetly free and listed on www.leapingbunny.org. Otherwise, I am a superdrug own brand fan. Anyone got some good shampoo for blonde hair reccommendations? Still struggling with this! I am now meat free as I can't seem to figure out where to get…
  • Hey that sounds like a good trick - I will give it a shot tomorrow :-)
  • Hi I was a veggie for a year a while back but I slipped up and 3 months ago decided enough was enough! I have been completely meat for 3 months now and really happy. The plan is to stay meat free for good now and to transition to dairy free too. I am looking for some buddies to share some food ideas as I need to figue out…
  • I like counting the calories in veg - becuase there are so few calories in them, it actually encourages me to eat more!! Fill up on bulkier food that is full of nutrition and not so many calories! Saying that, some veg are high in calories like potatoes; sweetcorn etc. I love the taste of most veg - it depends on how you…
  • Hi Shreyja, I agree with those who say you are not eating enough. Maybe eat around 1400 cals a day. You sound like you are excercising a lot so no need to up that - infact you are doing loads - well done you! I also agree that missing meals is not helping - that sends your body into starvation mode just like eating too few…
  • What's your name? Sarah Where do you live? Scotland What are your food vices/ cheats? Anythng that is nutritionally empty! I am so unhealthy! What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Lack of preparation in aking sure I have good food in my cupboard. What's your favorite exercise? Bodybalance…
  • Hi, Go you with the bxing class! I am not that brave yet - just wastching a class for 5 mins totally tires me out! Anyway, I read that it is best to leave excercise for a day or 2 if you are sore so that your body can fully recover. When I first started bodybalance class, I really hurt for days after but I found that after…