

  • If it's possible to join the group, I was a member of the original Join me... thread, but lost track of myself over the past year and a half with school and other excuses. I'd love to come back to the group, if you'll still have me!
  • Hey everyone! I have an exercise I do whenever I'm lying down that involves lying on my back and lifting my feet in the air and then moving them in a bicycle pedaling movement. I count the rotations and keep track of that number, rather than the amount of time I've been doing it. What exercise do you think would be the…
  • ok, my tip for the potluck? There really is truth in the "moderation" part of eating. If you take the smallest amount of everything, that way you've eaten what people brought and you can comment on their food - but you're only eating a little bit (which should amount to a great sized lunch!). Good luck!!! You can do it!…
  • So I still have half the day left but it's been a pretty tricky day so far. I was fasting since about 7:30 last night because I had to get my blood taken this morning. I actually decided to just continue the fast and spend the day on detox by drinking water and only water and not eating at all until tomorrow. But my mom…
  • Alright ladies, (and a few gentlemen I see?): My name is Emily and I'm 19 years old. I was on this site earlier in the year but completely just fell off the wagon! I just went on a two-week vacation with my family in Colorado. We did some intense hiking and although I made it through two >7 mile hikes I still felt at every…
  • Hey! I'm also a NYer and I love this database so far. They really do have the most in-depth food and exercise options that I've found so far. And they're also really great about noting when I haven't logged in which makes me feel guilty enough to keep going. Let me know if you want to lose together!
    in New in NY Comment by ejbarker June 2010