blinkinflip Member


  • Aberystwyth, Wales Help with pronunciation- ABBA (like the band) wrist (as in the bit between your arm and hand) with (as in "do these shoes go with this jacket?" - except that the 'th' sound at the end is softer like the start of 'thing'... Not sure that helps lol :#
  • Hi I'm nearly at the end of my first ever keto week. I'm using mfp to track calories and measure fat/protein/carbs. I haven't weighed myself yet because my weight varies quite a bit naturally and I tend to get down if I don't lose as much as I think I should, so I'm going to weigh after 2 weeks and then monthly. I can't…
  • Hi, like you I've just started on the 5:2 diet. I don't think it matters what time you eat, breakfast is the first meal of your day within four hours of waking. And people usually lose more weight during the first week of a diet and afterwards it should settle to around 1-2 pounds or more if you have more fat to lose.
  • Hi I need to lose 56 pounds and thanks to a staggering 11lb weight loss this week, am feeling really positive! I've been struggling with my weight for most of my adult life - at least 24 years so to be feeling like this now seems almost unreal. Exactly a week ago I felt almost like giving up on myself. But thanks to my…