

  • Ugh, I feel you! My kids are 3.5 and 1.5 and I only get ANYTHING done when they are unconscious (sleeping) lol or watching a show on Netflix, which I try to limit. Honestly, these are hard times as a parent, but they are so so short. I get through it by keeping a healthy perspective of the brevity of these cram packed days…
  • Thanks ladies! I'm looking forward to 2013 being full of fun with my kids and tons of burned calories. ;) Happy New Year!
  • Hi Steph, I accepted your friend request. I don't have and "real life" friends right now who are trying to lose weight so I can feel pretty isolated. Especially when most of my friends who have had kids are actually SKINNIER after the baby than they were before pregnancy! Good for them, but ugh! Anyway, I'm hoping to keep…