

  • Change meds. Welbutrin has a neutral weight effect. Prozac is supposed to help you lose weight. Talk to your doctor and see if switching would be good for you. I was on Lexapro and despite working out 5-6 days a week and never meeting my calorie goal, my scale would not budge. I stopped taking it and switched to another…
  • Generally when you are prescribed a new anti-depressant, the doctor asks you to come back and report any side effects you have. People usually go through several meds until they find the right one for them. I am currently on Lexapro which has caused massive weight gain. However, I used to be on Celexa and never noticed it.…
  • Vegetarian here. :) I eat dairy, not much eggs because they make my stomach hurt.
  • I've been a vegetarian for about 3 years. At first the weight fell off. Even now, I only have about 15 pounds to lose. Replace meat with veggies and you will do fine. I find that when I eat at home, I can barely meet my calories. Eating out is when I pack them on. Protein is in everything. I almost always go over my…