

  • When I have to say something not pleasant , it has always been useful to start by saying something nice. For example "This skirt is beautiful and you look so sexy on it, but I don't think it's OK for a job interview because it's too short". The message is clear and it's better than say "Are you out of your mind???!!! you…
  • Alli works good, but is not magical. People have to make a compromise and reduce fat consumption. If its combined with greasy food like hamburgers and fries, yes, it's going to be uncomfortable and disgusting. But instructions are pretty clear ;-). Anyway, it's just a little help, absolutely useless if changes in life…
  • Yes I am, maybe is just my watch. For example, if trademill indicates 200 calories burned, my watch indicates around 450!!! Spinning classes are valued on 800 calories, etc. I learned to ignore calories and just focus on heart rate. Maybe is time to get a new one. Thank you for answering!
  • I've been using a polar F4 for about 3.5 years. The problem with it is that greatly overestimate calories burned. Does anybody know if recent models do that?
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