

  • I met with a fitness trainer last year and he said that when we treat once a week, it shakes up the metabolism. I've been pretty good the last 5 weeks except for a few cheat days that I've consciously allowed myself. I didn't prepare a feast for Samhain.... it was a really emotional one for me. I did my own ritual, but…
  • I haven't thought about fitness choices or goals that are attached to a spiritual significance, but your practice intrigues me! I may have to start my morning with meditation or yoga and see where it takes me. :)
  • Big hugs, Trisha... I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Know that you're not alone so you can get back on the path where you want to be. Be gentle with yourself.
  • Whoohoo! Congrats! I was 146 on 10/6/12 and weighed in at 140 on 11/3/12. My daughter has a huge bowl of candy in the house now... and I've been so good about not inhaling all of it. lol!
  •'s been a long while since I was a college student. My daughter and I are getting the house cleaned up and I'm setting a new altar. The usual salt and smudge too. We'll be out and about trick or treating and celebrating life; as well as honoring those who have passed, especially my Grandma who left this world…
  • Merry meet! I'm Leslie and I've been out of the broomcloset for about 20ish years. I live in Seattle, WA with my daughter, wolfdog, cat, cornsnakes, and bearded recovering hippie (my partner). I had surgery on my L5 two years ago, and my L4 is still torn, so working out and gaining weight has been a big challenge for me. I…
  • I was going to say the exact same thing! Look out for GMO corn... or anything GMO.
  • This is actually a good thing because it means your metabolism is ramped up. :) (ditto to philOHIO) I prepare a bunch of yummy veggie type snacks to nosh on, which helps a lot. Cucumbers, peppers, hard boiled eggs, etc. Maybe try eating more protein since you are working out harder.
  • Hi! I started P90X yesterday! it's totally intense. I did the original about 8 years ago and it was awesome. Do you have a workout partner? It helps a lot. I noticed that there is no way to track P90X on this site too... I think I'm going to email them and ask how we can do that. Good luck!! :)