August 12, 2013 11:07 pm Week 9: 140.8 Week 8: Oops! Week 7: 140.6 Week 6: 143.2 Week 5: 142.0 Week 4: Oops! Week 3: 142.0 Week 2: 143.6 Week 1: 144.5 I don't know how I've managed not to gain weight over the past two weeks. I've been terrible! Too much junk food at the cabin over the weekend. The good news is that I've…
I did not weigh in either! Bad:smile:
Week 3: 142.0 Week 2: 143.6 Week 1: 144.5
Week 2: 143.6 Week 1: 144.5
144.5. My goal is 135.
Hooray for Allison! And thanks to Julie for hosting the contest. I will continue to use MyFitnessPal as well. The accountability and support has helped me get more than halfway to my goal!
143.5. 11.5 lbs. lost, that's 7.4% of my body weight.
145 lbs. I finally broke through the plateau!
149.0 for the third week in a row.
Good work, ladies! I didn't lose any extra weight this week. Still at 149.
149.0. 6 lbs. down, 14 to go!
155 lbs. 20 to 25 lbs more than when we lived in Barrington. How did that happen?!