Dear sons aged 3-and-a-half and nearly 2, I love you, I really do. But when you behave like wild beasts (smashing your toys on the windows, tipping anything and everything on the floor including full buckets of water, wrestling each other constantly, not going to bed and generally being feral) I wonder if it would be…
I use general aerobics
What a difference a year and lots of determination and hard work make!!!!! Happy to have you in NZ :)
My sister and I did classes for a few years and loved it. It was SO much fun and really liberating - because you are moving and celebrating all the bits you normally suck in and keep still (hips, belly etc). I wouldn't think it is a huge calorie burner though we did work up a wee bit of a sweat sometimes but it was…
Looking good Tania! That really is a transformation - and the camera doesn't lie! And 12cm off your waist is brilliant. Incredible changes and just goes to show that we shouldn't get totally hung up on the numbers on the scales. Since joining the gym a month ago I haven't seen huge changes on the scales but I can see my…
I joined the gym a month ago and after a couple of weeks decided to try a Spin class. I was really nervous as I'd heard so much about spin being hard that it almost had a mythical status! Anyway I braved it and went along to a 6am class - got there early and introduced myself to the instructor. I joked to him that he…
Hi guys! I'm new here too and would love to be in the New Zealand group. I'm the mother of two boys aged 3 and 19 months and like Anjulie am trying to shift the last few kilos gained during and after pregnancy.
Well since you already told her you are going to ask her out I think text is okay and as an earlier post said just say you'd rather do it face to face but you haven't seen her for a few days etc. I don't get why you didn't just ask her out the other day instead of telling her you were going to do it next time!
These things happen. Don't beat yourself up. Tomorrow is another day!