

  • hi, my recipie also includes ground lamb or pork. which ever you prefer. for every medium gggplant that you use it will feed 2 people or 1 with a healthy appetite. 'stuffed eggplants' family of 4 use: 2 eggplants 500g ground lamb or pork( pork contains less fat) 2 handfuls of chopped mushrooms 1 tin of chopped tomatos 4…
  • hi, that would be good to see. can you give me the full web address as i'm having difficulty finding it, ggod luck with reaching your target weight!
  • hi, i'm new to this site. my names lucie, i'm 25 and have 2 small children under 5. i have been following the recommened calorie intake advised to me for a week now. i'm now starting to feel the stain just like i have with every other diet i've been on. i'm the sort of person that if i don't see results straight away i get…