

  • I used to do the same thing. I have a pretty boring life so each night is like a routine, I get home from work, watch the news, eat dinner at about 7:00pm, in front of the TV of course, then somewhere between 8:00 and 9:00pm I start getting a craving for something sweet. i would eat ANYTHING no matter what it was or how…
  • Hi, I agree with the other people here. The hard rule for any exercise is: if your feeling pain from what you are doing STOP immediately. I did not follow that rule about a week ago an now I believe I have really messed up. My left knee began to hurt while jogging on day but I kept going anyway and by the time I stopped I…
  • Hi Audrey, I sit at a desk all day and eat all kinds of stuff. My favorite is pizza. So you can see my lifestyle is not conducive to weight loss. I am not wanting to give up anything that I eat, but I have started an exercise program three times a week and I found this site to help me know how many calories, fat, carbs,…
  • Hi Misty and welcome ! I have not been on here but about a week or so. I mainly began to use this site to keep track of my food intake but when I realized the site also had a support/friend element the other day I began to use it too. I have a few new friends and they are awesome! Their encouragement is better than…
  • Hi Brook, YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU PUT YOUR MIND TOO!! I can tell your family is important to you... I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS !! MAKE IT COUNT GURL!! If you need any encouragement just let me know ok. -Pete
  • Here are the thoughts of one single guy... A person should not flirt with anyone who is married or involved with someone period!! I have only been on here for one week and I just discovered the friend thing today. I have noticed that most profiles do not make mention of their relationship status. If a man, or woman for…
  • Thanks for the comment enginman312. The 1620 calories/five week goal is what MFP gave me when I answered the initial questions. I am kinda wondering myself since I have not lost a pound as yet and I have been below my calorie intake just about every day. I have went over on my sugar consumption most every day, but goodness…
  • Thanks ya'll, that's the North Carolina in me. Didn't use to say that when I lived in Florida, but i'm kinda stuck with it I think. I appreciate your kind welcomes. : ) Cookie, it seems like you have already lost an amazing bit of weight already from April of 2009, that's AWESOME! You have come a long way, I am sure you…