jleevans Member


  • Your NSV is very inspiring! I am on W2 D3 and I have never enjoyed running until I started C25K! I look forward to it now and can't wait to see how I progress with the program. I also share a similiar pregnancy story and although God had other plans for 2 of my babies I have promised to be in a better shape no matter what…
  • I love the NSV posts! They keep me motivated and its the small things that add up for me. My NSV's this week are: 1. Was getting dressed for work this morning and put on a shirt that I normally have to wear a sweater over because it was so tight around my middle it was constricting... but today it was too big! YAY! Wore…
  • Hello! I'm new to MFP and plan to begin TTC in a few months. I am trying to get myself fit before trying and lose some of the weight that I packed on after I miscarried last year. I've been creeping for a few days.... :smile:
  • I had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago. You could have written my story - exact same issues, doctor comments, etc. I had also lost 24 lbs just prior to the major issues. I have not had any issues since having the gallbladder removed. It did not affect my weight loss. I have since gained back the 24 lbs+ but I don't feel…