

  • Today was my day 2 of Butt Bible after reading the glowing reviews, and I can barely walk. So I'm going to give it the 6 week run first, but I appreciate the suggestion! :D
  • AND... up until about 2 weeks ago I had lost 12 pounds. Now my scale is back up to me only losing 5 pounds. So I am beyond frustrated. I do everything that I read that I should do, I record my calories and consume less than I burn, I try to eat the right ratio of carbs/protein/fat etc., and I just feel like I'm getting NO…
  • Well now I'm just getting confused. I do HIIT on the Arc, so I don't think changing up the cardio is my problem. I do weight machines every day as well. Are you saying I need to move into the free weights section and start lifting dumbbells and stuff??
  • Very interesting! Did you have to pay major attention on your caloric intake, or just lift more? OH, also I don't do only cardio. I do cardio 4x a week, but on those 4 days I also alternate upper and lower machines, lifting as much weight as I can for 8-10 reps each.
  • I started the Butt Bible level 1 last night, and today my butt is sore, and my thighs & waist are hurting! It packs quite a punch for only being 20 minutes! :D
  • OMG, sorry to keep posting, but I found all 3 videos on YouTube. YAY! Resuming celebration. :D
  • Well of course I can't find Exercise TV on On Demand. :( I have the Sports & Fitness category, but no Exercise TV or Butt Bible listings. I'm gonna cry.
  • That is quite encouraging! I have Comcast On Demand, so I'll start doing that after the gym! YAY! Thank you!!!
  • REALLY!?!?! I must seek out this bible that you speak of. So, did you get an awesome butt as well? :D
  • Thanks everyone! I know that I can't spot reduce, but nothing is changing. I have GOT to slim them down because they rub together at the top and I can't take it! lol I do HIIT on the Arc, and I push myself and go 3.2 miles total every day, and (according to the machines) I burn 600 a day in cardio alone. I will start…
  • I don't know if you are jogging outside or on a machine, but I had the exact issue. I switched over to the Arc Trainer from the treadmill, and not only do I burn twice as many calories, but I have no pains anywhere any more. :)