ShelleyLynne4 Member


  • I am sitting here in absolute tears for you and the little boy inside you who had to endure so much suffering at such an early age. You should have never had to go through any of that. Mothers are supposed to protect their children, not turn their backs on their pain. I have no idea how she could do that to you. It makes…
  • I have the same problem every night. You are not alone.
  • If MFP is telling you to eat 1200 cals. a day then I would stick with that. Too little cals. and you will go into starvation mode and your weight will be at a stand still. Eat all of the protein it tells you to eat and you will see results. Good luck !!!
  • Sounds like you've had some great replies. I am a vegetarian and there is a store in the back of the Seventh Day Adventist book store here that has vegetarian foods with alot of protein in them. You just have to watch the sodium in them as well. See if you have something like that in your area. It helps alot.
  • You can find people close to you by going to the Community tab, then find members. Good luck and welcome.
  • Thanks so much for your reply, and the replies of others. It really will help to have people to talk to on here, especially if I hit a snag or I have an underactive Thyroid and am on meds for it but I have been thinking about trying the iodine supplement to get a bit more energy. The doctor says my level is where…
  • Hi Everyone, just started this website yesterday and wanted to say Hi. I'm hoping to give it a try again and I know support is key so any you can give would be much appreciated. I am also a vegetarian so if anyone has any great recipes they would like to share I am open to trying new ones. Thanks.