

  • I took a pic of a recipe in a Women's Health magazine. I'll text it to you. If you can't receive text pics, I can email it to you.
  • That's not really what I meant. Obviously your metabolism doesn't stop when you're sleeping. I was just trying to help a friend, letting her know what my trainer suggests for me about eating high sugared fruits or carbs late in the day. I'll take a look at the article :)
    in Sugar Comment by habsgirl76 March 2012
  • I'm not really sure. I've never tracked sugar before. I think when you eat it is important. Try to avoid high sugared fruits after dinner. Your body won't metabolize it and it will store it as fat. My trainer says no bananas in the evening. I think apples are pretty high too. He told me berries are ok and has never said…
    in Sugar Comment by habsgirl76 March 2012
  • Vodka, water, lemon. Helps with the hangover too!! I also like Vodka with the flavoured waters. Lite beer and red wine are your other best options.