

  • Thank you. I new to this. I posted a reply a while ago and not sure I did it right. Did you get it?
  • I drink 1/2 cup coffee when I get up, a diet coke when I get to work and water the rest of the day. I tried to give up diet coke but that's like quitting smoking. I mastered that 15 years ago but diet coke is soooo good.
  • I bet you burned the 18 calories just thinking about and typing this out.
  • PS, I raised 2 Rotties and they were the sweetist, (thought they were lap dogs).
  • I have a little Yorkie and a Husky/whatever jumped the fence. The Yorkie is a personality but Angel, my mixed breed has issues. I got her at 8 weeks and literally had to sleep on the couch with her on my stomach to get her to even acknowlege me. I have to bring her to work with me every day and the Yorkie cause she can't…
  • Guess I was born under a rock. What does MILF stand for?
  • I would like to be your friend. Could use a friend too.
  • Hi, I started this 3 days ago and so far it seems to be going okay. I know from past weight loss experience it is much easier if you have friends to cheer you on that know what you are going through. I would like to be a friend.
  • I've been married for 44 years and have bounced 25 - 30 weight gain since 2nd grade. My husband sounds a lot like yours. But for the past few years as soon as I gain the 1st 5 pounds back he quits touching me. Now it's just a game. I think I gain the weight back so he won't touch me. Other than that.......... as soon as I…