

  • I know how you feel! I was coming on here to write a self-loathing rant just to vent... At least you've lost some weight acording to your ticker! I've gained weight! Im not very good at being positive and cheering people on... Sounds like you've hit a platou (sp?)... I dont know why I even bother trying sometimes..Im…
  • I'm curious as to what degree your working towards?? I've been worried about my weight as I'm in nursing school right now. I know what I need to do, what nutrition is, but just can't seem to lose the weight yet! If your goal is to become a runner you have to work up to it! Have you looked online at the program couch potato…
  • My real name is Katie, but I've always loved nicknames. I've never had a good nickname that stuck though... I chose Silentwolves because I have always been the strong but silent type-like a wolf, I love wolves too. Just like a wolf, I prefer to be in a pack. Mess with me or one of my pack and watch out! I'd love to find a…
  • Wow, I know exactly what your going through. I lost my Grandmother in July very unexpectedly. She was healthy and happy in June, around the first of July she didn't feel well, but the Dr couldn't pinpoint what it was. On the 14th they determined it was cancer and she died 4 days later. I am still in such shock and feel…
  • I"ll be your friend! I just joined here, so Im looking for some friends! I totally understand the shy part-Im rediculously shy... Its ruined my social life completely. It would be great to meet some people in my area for workout buddys. Im in rochester NY