

  • Well my natural body type is a mesomorph, so I actually do put on muscle very very easily and quickly...especially when I haven't done a certain type of exercise in awhile... I was a gymnast for 10 years and had to cut calories because of putting on too much measurable muscle mass for the coaches liking. This is why I'm a…
  • So I should continue to do the 30 days, in your opinion? I really don't want to get more muscley [if that's a word haha]. I just want to be more fit, lean, and compact...
  • You look amazing! You can definitely see a difference. Your waist is pinched in below your bust now. You can see your natural shape coming through, everything is more streamline, and it looks great! Keep up the good work :]
  • Starvation mode does not exist in the way that many people refer to it. So many people will announce that if you go below a certain number of calories your body will go into starvation mode, will hold onto all of your fat, and you will not lose weight. This is not accurate at all. Starvation mode exists in a sense, but it…
  • I really don't want to tailor every pair of pants I buy.. I'd rather just avoid jeans like I have been doing haha. I just wear skirts and dresses. As for curves, I really don't have what people would consider curves. My waist is 24 inches and my hips are 36. I guess it gives the illusion that I have curves, though, because…
  • Congratulations! 20 pounds in 30 days is very impressive. You must be in good shape, as in very toned, because you appear to weigh a lot less than what your signature says. That's a good thing! Not everyone is so fortunate. Or you're very tall! My sister is 6'0" tall and weighs 180 pounds but is actually quite lean.…
  • Hi! I just completed day 2 of level 1, so I'm in! I plan to do all 30 days without stopping :]