

  • thats really a good idea I need to fill myself up with better thing but sometimes the cravings just get the better of me
  • Does chewing gum really help the cravings go away? I havent started exercising so I only have 1290 calories I can eat and its so hard even managing to eat below that all day so I guess at night I just want to snack on something really fat. I guess if I work out I can indulge a little more maybe if I work out after dinner…
  • bikinis definately scare me too! I have never worn one and i have decided that once in my life i want to fit into a bikini and not be ashamed. I am 20 and i have been battling with the bulge since i started highschool. the pressure to be skinny is great but to me what really matters is fitting into clothes i dont want to…