

  • I totally understand how frustrating it can be. When I started I had a personal trainer, tracked everything and nothing seemed to be happening. Eventually your body will realize that it is getting healthy and you are not starving yourself. I would just like to say, like another, that you need to cut soda of all kinds out…
  • I am 5'4" and No I do not stay in bed all day. I exercise 5-6 days a week actually. I watch my food carefully and I still have to be extra extra careful. I also work 5-6 days per week 8-12 hours a day, and I do not sit around all day at work either. Thanks for the question. It was so nice of you!
  • You can see a Dr. and find out how many calories your body actually burns just to maintain your current weight. I discovered that I can only eat 1300 calories a day just to maintain my weight. This means I have to eat even less and up the exercise a lot in order to lose anything. Keep with it though. Good luck!