jenpolak Member


  • agree totally.........I never count any beverage other than water as water. Anything with caffeine negates your water if you want to get 64oz of water/day and you drink two coffees or teas or soda with caffeine you need to replace that 16oz of caffeinated beverage with extra water. Be kind to your kidneys!
  • Love a goat or beard on a man who shaves his head.........very sexy! Your grey must be very slight, because it's not noticable in your pictures. I think a patchy grey looks bad, but salt and pepper looks hot!
  • I think you look amazing in your photos and are in fantastic looking shape! I know sometimes we get so hung-up looking at that darn scale that we forget we are doing this to feel better and be healthier! I was told to eat the protein of your meal first, it makes your belly full. Also, I have tried switching to Whole Grains…