tokidoki Member


  • Not sure if this helps, but I put my info in the scooby calc and right now I'm eating at TDEE with a light activity level. When I calculated the same info but at moderate activity, a 10% cut was very similar to the calories I'm eating now, so I think it would work as long as you accurately assessed your activity level.
  • I'll be starting my 4th week of reset on Wednesday and I haven't gained anything. Before reset I was eating my cut and bouncing between 179 and 182 so I upped my calories and am still doing the same. Does this mean I need to increase calories more?
  • Don't be scared! I started on MFP eating 1750 calories but kept gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. So I decided to do a reset and upped my calories by 500 and I'm STILL gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. You will be really surprised at how much you can eat without gaining!
  • Other people might have some more helpful advice but it is REALLY common to hold on to 10-15 extra pounds while breastfeeding. It might not be a plateau, it might be the weight your body needs right now.
  • Thanks again for the advice! I saw the logic behind calculating light activity over sedentary when one day into this I went swimming (for fun) for over an hour. You really do move more than you think!
  • Thanks for the help! Today is day 1 of my reset!