

  • I agree. I think what it says I should weigh is not realistic at all. And I would look sickly if I weighed that much. So I am gross because I am not gonna to push myself to be "too skinny".
  • Looking at this made me laugh. Great post. =)
  • Its not about being motivated by others. It is getting support from others. There is a huge difference.
  • That is what worked for me. Baby steps are key. You just have to do it a little at a time and before you know it you start notices that all the little changes add up to a big change. Great advice!
  • Oh and you can add me too. I am here for any support you need. =)
  • Hello, you are doing great. Don't worry about the slip ups or days when you feel like you are struggling. We are human. It is not going to be perfect believe me. I have tried over and over to lose this 60 lbs I have left and I always give up. This time I have not given up. It is okay to slip up once in awhile. As long as…