

  • BMI isnt a real accurate way to judge your health and its pretty lousey your doc is using that since it has so many factors that can change the number.. My partner 's BMI classes him as obese but he definitely isnt since he does body building! As others have said if you have more lean muscle and your fat % is in a healthy…
  • the 3 main things i look for when buying food is the kj/calories, carbohydrates and sugars. Even if something has less calories, if it has a higher sugar count it isnt actually better. carbohydrates are sugar and anysugar that isnt used will be stored as fat. so my advice would be to look at the labels closely and try to…
  • definitely start strength training you may not lose as many kg but youll see the difference in your measurements and since youre toning up the results will be visible. you can buy resistance bands and do the training at home. you can get packs that come with the training dvd so youll have plenty of exercises to do :)