jessieo387 Member


  • You should eat them, up to a point. You can leave some depending on what you set your deficit to be. I struggled with this a lot when I started and my weight loss stalled - even gained some. If you have your deficit set to lose 1.5 lbs/ week you can eat all but 250 of them without stalling If you have your deficit set to…
  • Fat free non dairy creamer is like 10 calories per serving, paired with Truvia instead of sugar and you have a low calorie cup of coffee that is pretty tasty!
  • She is going to be talking about it on the Today show Tuesday - she still has not said if she does or does not have it.
  • This is my favorite, my fiance loves it too -- and he isn't on any kind of diet!
  • I have had them and they are delicious! The blueberry ones are so good I don't put anything on them at all.
  • I did a round of p90x and it works great! I lost 14.5inches! But be careful with your knees, if they are hurthing that bad you really need to modify the moves, no jumping during plyo! I have pretty bad knees and have to be careful in all workouts, so just be mindful and modify anything that is high impact to your knees. If…
  • In response to your questions, this is what my PT tells me to do: 1)Best way to get your cardio in is to do in during your strength training. Do one set then hit the stair stepper for 1 min, then do another set. Treadmill or elliptical in-between sets, or if you gym has a track use that in between. My trainer always starts…