clschill Member


  • Deidre - you've taken the first step...welcome! I'm not quite 40 yet, but I'm here to support you. YOU CAN DO IT! I liked what gothvenus had to say about not kicking yourself when you slip up. Get back up and move forward.
  • Jennifer - I grew up the same way. Be polite, take it, say Thank you! I keep taking stuff and saying "I'll eat half now and half later". Yeah right! Who am I kidding? I'll eat half of it right now and then 5 minutes later eat the other half. I also have a hard time wasting food. The notion that I can and should leave food…
  • Thanks for the encouragement gothvenus! I'm going to embrace the hour by hour method. :-) I need to get my self-loathing under control...I think it makes me eat less healthy and much more than I should. It's a total mind game for me and I want to take control! I did a Curves workout last night and am going to do another…
  • I don't know yet...i'm only on my first day, again! :-) And I just ate a cookie! ugh! I need to get some will power. It's especially hard at work and my husband and kids are enablers too. I just realized, this very minute, that I have to tell them not to offer food to me anymore...give me a nice note or card or flower or…
  • I've never actually responded to a post on this site before but I'm so good to hear that I'm not alone. I have been on a member on this site since August but fell off the wagon during the holidays. Actually I kind of jumped! Well I'm back on now and hoping to make another go of it. I too am at my all time high of 211. I…
  • Thursday, December 1 REMINDER: Please be sure to copy the most recent post, and be sure to get everybody's name — AND THE DATE — copied when you're updating the list. Please keep this reminder on as well. Thank you! Hallie- 1 Mollie - 1 Dounia - 1 Pam - 1 Lana - 1 Laura- 1 Shanae - 1 Felicia -1 Jill - 1 Beeps - 1 SheBauer…
  • New to My Fitness Pal. I'm looking for extra motivation and new challenges. Excited to try this!