I eat industrial quantities of broccoli - it has more protein than you think. Good in salads as well as hot. And lots of soup. And protein rich foods - chicken, eggs, beans, lentils. Do you like volume or just feeling full? I like both / either. I also save large meal for late evening - something to look forward to.
For those interested in helping me think more about this I wanted to develop two critiques of my analysis to see if we can do better. 1) Correlation is not causation. Yes, but it's nearly impossible to identify causal relationships here. We can do experiments by cutting out things from our diet but then that has knock-on…
Thanks for all your spirited contributions to this thread everyone. In the interests of making the discussion more constructive I thought I would try and be clearer about what I am and am not saying. I am not telling anyone what to do. I am not claiming to have found the laws of weight loss. I am just reporting statistical…
Interesting. This is the kind of thing we need to do to get past the correlation/causation question. I saw a TV show with twins - one of who cut out sugar and ate lots of fat, the other cut out fat and ate lots of carbs. They both lost weight. They were both miserable.
Ooh good. Someone who talks my language. Multiple linear regression. I added variables that explained a significant amount of the variance. The final model accounted for 70% of variance with the 4 variables I mentioned, which is pretty good by all accounts.
Thank you. This is the kind of thoughtful and insightful response I was hoping to stimulate. Almost worth reading through all the others to get to this. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Well, my analysis was for calories, nutrients over the course of a week. I could do it for 2 weeks at I time I guess, but harder to make the case for how calories you ate 2 weeks ago affect how much weight you lose this week.
That was kind of where I was coming from. Too many opinions little evidence in this world I think.
I guess that's the big question I was interested in answering. My data suggest that calories from sugar could lead to weight gain more than other calories. But, as others pointed out, this is correlational and only data for one person over 6 months. So I'd be interested in any other data people have to bring to bear on…
I like this quote. Even though I don't know what it means
Add me too
Great idea. I recorded an audio message to myself when I passed a key milestone to tell myself the importance of not going back and also to remind myself how easy it is to get back on track when things are tough and the steps you need to take to do it. I have emailed it to myself to arrive at some point in the future.
This is such a great idea. I had planned to do something similar but mainly to experience maintenance level calorie consumption, being that I am usually undereating or overeating so don't know what maintenance feels like. But then I got impatient and decided to keep pushing it. This is the key issue. You can try and just…
My target is 2050 which I have been largely hitting lately. But I think it is a bit too restrictive. It corresponds to a 2lb loss a week. I may increase it a little. 1lb a week seems easier to handle.
Thanks for great ideas do far. I wasn't in my house .. always harder to do when travelling.
Thanks for great thoughts on this everyone. Reading it all again as having jitters about a relapse. But I think I know too much now for that to happen. I hope.
My third time too. I've lost 50 lbs 3 times now, in almost identical ways. Determined this is the last time. I started a discussion called 'what are you doing during weight loss to prevent future relapse' to figure out how to do it better this time. Good luck!
Today - realizing how much more productive I am at work. Turns out that eating a huge lunch and falling asleep in my chair wasn't great for productivity. Whereas being fit and eating heathily definitely is.
Thanks for sharing this salutary lesson. I plan to proceed with the belief that this is a solvable problem, the humility to realise I haven't got it all figured yet and utter terror at the thought that I will be back where I started 2 years down the line.
Thanks very much for this article - the second on adaptive thermogenesis posted in this thread. Having now read a few of these articles it seems there is evidence that weight loss causes our energy expenditure to reduce by about 400 calories a day more than you would expect from weight loss alone. This makes it harder to…
Thanks for your ideas everyone. Of course I missed off exercise. That's the whole reason I'm doing this so I forget to write it down.
Great to hear that you are experiencing changes to your biology too after eating healthily. This is exactly what I have found. And thank you for being the first person ever to say the phrase "dehydrated pig thyroid" to me.
Thanks for the comments. I wanted to respond to this one and others by saying that "biological reasons" doesn't necessarily mean genetic. I could imagine, for example, that years of overeating have disrupted hormonal responses to food. Also, biological doesn't mean deterministic or inevitable. I still think there are…
I only have it on paper. Sorry.
This is really fantastic advice. Thank you. I like the idea of maintenance breaks. I have been thinking of this as a "ratchet" diet. Pass one milestone, pause and take a break, and make sure you have the mindset never to go backwards over the milestone again before you concentrate on trying to lose yet more weight. Your…
Me too
Did you experience a rebound - your body reacting to weight loss by demanding you overeat? Why do you think so many dieters relapse? And why didn't you?