derposaurus Member


  • Thank you :) I have been in counseling many times throughout the years to help with this and I'm about to start again next week. I appreciate you being able to relate. Hope things are going well for you.
  • Oh it's okay I know you meant well lol. Nothing to apologize for. Thank you for the advice as well. That's definitely a new way of thinking for me as previously I have only concerned myself with calories. But I understand there's a lot more to it than that. It seems kinda daunting but I will figure it out :)
  • Yeah. I've been diagnosed with ED-NOS by more than one health professional lol. I figured that was implied in my post. I just hate the label :p Anyway yeah I've been in and out of treatment for it my whole life but I have moved twice in the past year and haven't been speaking to a counselor. I mean do you ever really get…
  • This appeals to me. I have a history of starving, binging, and purging. I am read to break the cycle and eat "normal" but the idea of tracking stuff and counting calories worries me. How is that going to be any different from when I restricted? Sure I will eat 1500 calories instead of 500 that I used to count, but is the…
  • All I can tell you is that you're not alone. I lost 75 lbs and have gained it all back. It feels horrible. I'm also poking around here looking for some motivation and advice. Sorry for your losses. I believe you will be able to get back on track again :)
  • Hmm idunno. What do you think of intergender relationships?
  • Ha! Thank you. You see, I used to tell myself as I was gaining "It's okay! you've gained some back but overall you've still lost ___ pounds so it's fine. you're good! you'll get back on track". Then after I got to over the halfway point, I figured that point was still moot. Thank you for reminding me it's not. Yes I still…
  • Thank you thank you. I'm going to get my hands on some measuring tape tomorrow and calculate all that stuff. Thank you for offering to help because I probably will need it. I appreciate the warning about the other people around here too... I may have one or two on my friends list still but I've friended a lot of people in…
  • Thank you. Thank you. This really made me smile. I am definitely at that turning point of it really hitting me that I need to change yes, my RELATIONSHIP with food. Because it is FAR from healthy. I see the way other people in life eat and regard food and for me... I am WAY off. Thank you for relating and understanding…
  • I appreciate you sharing the method. I know I need to be more moderate. I've struggled with eating disorders since I was a child. Starvation, purging, binging, compulsive eating. I only know how to either not eat, or eat like the world is ending. I know I need to put the effort into something healthy and sustainable like…
  • My fitness pal trackers and calorie counters are standardised and dont know your body. you know your body. you live in it. listen to what it's telling you. if 1200 calories in a day makes you feel like vomiting, its not good for your body. your body is boss! you probably wantt o make sure you eat at least that much…
  • lol good job man
  • lol your simplicity is inspiring...
  • hm thats not a bad idea at all. going to look into that thank you
  • I always have this problem when I don't eat before I work out. It's very important to eat before you work out. But not too soon before, you don't wanna get a cramp. I usually give it at least an hour between eating and working out.
  • yeah we have something like that in canada called winners. i've seen food scales there but they seemed too cheap... too good to be true. i'm scared of getting a cheap inaccurate one
  • I have considered a food scale for a while for things. especially meat. i usually eyeball it but i always try to over-estimate just to be safe. when i measure stuff though.. i NEVER overscoop. i always level off. I thought that was normal? The girl in this video thinks it isn't i guess lol. but even still, this is a big…
  • same! it was the first and only birth control i've ever tried. my doctor said "dont waste you time trying a pill. everyone who takes nuva ring says they 'LOVE' it, and I don't ever hear anybody use that word in the same sentence as birth control" lol. so i was like alright, good enough for me. it's been fine from the…
  • oh wow I see there's a few stories like mine. basically going through puberty ahead of everyone else. I got my period at age 10 as well. had already started wearing a bra the year before that. becoming "womanly" at a much faster pace obviously made me heavier. sounds like the same story for everyone else. for a womans…
  • yeah i started starving myself at 13 and thought i was ENORMOUS. i see pictures of myself then and i think 'HOW COULD I HATE MYSELF?" i hated myself SO much as a teenager. worse than i ever have now and hopefully ever will. i used to cut myself and litterally beat myself up (punch legs, and head, causing bruises, etc)…
  • I've been to Cancun before. BEST tropical vacation spot in my opinion. so happy to go back. That's good that you can responsible... lol congrats. My problem is it's hard to not be extreme when you're in a place of relaxation and unlimited food and drinks. did you find alot of temptation to indulge? or was it easier for you
  • I wish I had that problem lol. My appetite has always been extreme. anyways, I think it might make more sense to listen to your body rather than MFP. if you find you're eating the way you'd like without forcing yourself, and you're still eating say, minimum 1000 calories a day... you're fine. every body is different and…
  • implanted where? uterus, or arm? there's two different kinds. i'm on nuvaring, fyi. been on it nearly two years with no side affects
  • i plan daily! i fill it out as the day starts and plan to stick to it. much easier to plan a day ahead than a week ahead because you never know what situations that could come up and affect your eating plans.
  • It's so hard not to get discouraged. You know what works for me when I get in this state of mind? I take a minute to think about the number that i've already lost! rather than what I need to do. Looking at your number currently lost, that's something to be very proud of! good job! also to take the extra step, i often…
  • Oh yeah. Weight gain is SUCH a common side affect of gaining weight!! It's almost inevitable (though it didnt happen for me lol but I was already so heavy and not trying to lose. but it happens to everyone else I know). Anyways, don't let it impede your routine or progress. I'd start going by body inch measurements rather…
  • i really wanted to go get a sundae. and for a moment all this helped. but now the sundae desire is taking over ahhhh. logic why can't you ever win over appetite? dammit.
  • derp: wanted something vague and superficial osaurus: everything is better in dinosaur form
  • Hilary Duff (four times) Ke$ha Selena Gomez Avril Lavigne Simple Plan Sum 41 Billy Talent Shawn Desman Joel Madden Benji Madden Matt Hardy Tori Wilson that's all I can think of off the top of my head... might be missing some idk.