

  • When it comes to exercise... my advice is start small. If you try to do too much too fast, you're likely to burn out quickly. Do what you like, no sense torturing yourself. As you get into more of a routine, you may feel like doing more and trying new things. But... pace yourself. Start out by walking.... walk a lap at the…
  • Welcome! This site is awesome. Use it to the best of it's potential and don't be afraid to reach out and get support. :)
  • I love it too! But, I've just tried to make better choices. Steamed rice instead of fried. Shrimp or non-breaded chicken. Stir fry veggies with no oil. Etc. It's all about portion control! And the database on here lets you check the calories of something before you order. Moderation is key. :)
  • This is what I have been told... hopefully it helps! Our bodies will go into starvation mode if we have less than 1200 calories in a day. So.. the way you do the math is like this: If you eat 1600 calories and burn off 700 in exercise that's 900 calories. So, you would need to make up 300 calories to reach that 1200 mark.…