

  • Replace one meal with a salad a day for a week Burn 1000 calories a day for a week Hmmm... it might be easier to do biweekly challenges?
  • I've dropped 5% body fat since I started really pushing myself about 3 months ago! Hopefully the results translate to the scale soon!
  • MFP Name: spaul3 DietBet Name: Shannon L P Location: Victoria BC Start Weight: 163.6 3% Goal (Nov.-Dec.):158.7 6% Goal (Dec. - Jan.): 154.5 8% Goal (Jan. - Feb.): Too Lazy to do math! 9% Goal (Feb - Mar): 10% Goal(Mar - April): 147.2 My biggest weakness: Snacking in general. Oh and beer. I Love Beer. My motivation: I am…