lisatwin1b Member


  • I feel the same way! I get up at 7 am, cool breakfast and get the kids off to school. My husband the only one who demand breakfast. I try to tidy up and walk the dig before I leave for work at 8:45. Then I'm home at 5:30/6 and cook dinner, clean up, pay bills, and try to squeeze in one more walk with the dog and get to…
  • If it helps, no-one has ever asked for my GPA in college. It wasn't that high and I went to 4 different colleges before finally getting my degree. I don't think it was with it really.
  • I have Lupus SLE, Hashimotos thyroiditis and chronic fatigue/fibromyalfia. I suddenly gained 10lb, I wish it would go away just add quickly! Time is my biggest hurdle, with 3 kids it seems I never have time to exercise!
  • I haven't researched the Paleo diet, but I do know that our bodies haven't evolved much since the early ages of man (which can be taken to mean the cavemen or shortly after being divined by God.) I have been able to rationalize a lot of things by thinking back to how and why our bodies were made: 1. Men and women used to…
  • Those enrolled in higher education aren't eligible to receive food stamps, neither are people on unemployment. I have a theory that food stamps takes into account a persons "employability" You are in college, you are smart and capable of working, no food stamps for you. You are receiving unemployment, you were just working…
  • I live in the US, but I understand the struggles. It is Thursday and we are out of food (me and my three kids.) Our budget is a hundred dollars a week. What I usually do is canned beans for fiber and protein, or, if you really need to save dried beans are much cheaper, but take all day to cook! I have found that lemon aid…
  • Just a quick note on this topic. I joined a gym (again) last year, but this time one the kids could go to, not like that helped. The car broke, so I got another one with a loan, then couldn't afford the gas. I live in Florida and less than two miles from work with the elementary school on the way. My youngest son & I ride…