

  • When I say always, I mean when I go out lol
  • I always drink vodka, soda water and lime. very low calorie :)
  • Hi, I have started training for my first ever 5K! I have also given up smoking to help me make this goal! I have a personal trainer who I see once a week and he is helping me train so I can run the whole 5k in September! We started off by doing the following - Fast paced walk = 5 mins Gentle Jog = 1 min Repeat the above…
  • Hi :smile: I tend to take little pots of fruit into work, so have alittle pot of grapes one day or sugar snap peas. Then in the afternoon I will have some form of breakfast bar thing like go ahead or alpen or something. I find nuts are good as well, I have them with raisans! :happy: xx