chelseagirl82 Member


  • Hi Tess I was recently diagnosed with Lupus as well... just in March... and it is very overwhelming. They also put me on a pretty rigorous plan for medications -- predisone, cellcept, plaquenil, atovaquone, and then all the supplements like Vitamin D, fish oil, calcium, etc. All told, I'm taking 23 pills a day, and at age…
  • I know there's a lot more to it than this, but I also found re-evaluating my sleep needs was really important. I've had RA for 2 years and I've just been assuming that my normal 7-8 hours a night was ok. But then I just hit a wall of fatigue. Granted, there's a lot of factors involved, including medications, but lately,…
  • Hi all. I've had RA for 2 years and have, until recently, been successfully treated with Methotrexate. Lately, though, the side effects of Methotrexate are catching up to me, so at my latest Rheumy appt, she had me lower my dosage and schedule another appt in 4 weeks to talk about adding an additional DMARD. Up until that…
  • Hi Everyone! It's nice to find a board like this. My name is Laura and I'm 30 years old. I was diagnosed with RA almost 2 years ago (wow, only 2? Feels like forever ago), but have been having symptoms for 6. I'm currently on meds and we're still trying to nail down dosages that will effectively treat the disease without…