kbcarey111 Member


  • Be careful using the calories posted on the site for various exercises. Everyone's body is different, and so burn calories differently. If you really want to know how much you're burning, and therefore know how much to add back to refuel, I suggest getting a heart rate monitor and getting a cardio assessment done to input…
  • It might not all be about looks. It might be about how YOU feel about you. Are you happier now that you're thinner? Is that coming through in how you interact with people? It may be that people are taking notice because you are a more confident and happier person. My guess is you're not giving yourself enough credit.
  • It's not as simple as calories in versus calories used. Your body functions best with "active" calories, foods that take more work to eat and digest boost metabolism and make you feel more satisfied (i.e., fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats). Eating 500 calories of the sweet stuff on occasion will not sabotage…