108victorian Member


  • thank you @amandabullock120, right back at ya. Let's all just keep singing the cliche, "fall down 7 times, get up 8."
  • I got hit by the flu (?) or some sort of massive food poisoning (I still love you, vindaloo) and was laid-out for a week (not a fun way to lose 10 lbs). urg. Started back on week 3 today. Will redo the full week 3 starting Monday. I still dislike tree pose lateral raises. I have found that adding 12lbs weights to the side…
  • Started week 3 today. I certainly felt uncoordinated with workout 3, hoping that'll change the next go. I used 8-12lbs weights for each exercise. I love the plank highs and lows. The side sit ups were meh and only made my hip bones mad. I'm unsure how I feel about the tree pose lateral raises, it comes off a bit…
  • Hello. I'm just about done with week 1, only cardio 1 left. And yes, I too hate the running man; It hurts my knees and causes my boobs to get slap-happy. For Insanity and now JMBR I sub the running man (scissor kick) with something comparable like back lunges. I'm not following her meal plan due to the inefficiency of the…
  • paul is a beast! how does one have hops while doing a push up (I mean, that's more vertical height than most people get jumping on their feet)? amazing. Nonetheless, I hate the side push ups. They make my glenohumeral joint (the shoulder joint that is most engaged during the exercise) feel like it's gonna explode no matter…
  • Wave your hands in the air if your a true player! :drinker: I JUST FINISHED Round 1 of Insanity!!! Yay me!!! The last 2 weeks have been hard. My ankle was sore, my feet were tired (etc), but it was super productive. My lower back/love handles have felt a huge overhaul in the last couple weeks. In fact, that stubborn…
  • @revgill, After this round I'm pretty sure I'm going to do the Insanity recovery week and then another round of Insanity. I feel that I'll get a lot more out of a second round being that my strength and endurance have vastly improved. I'm so chuffed (did I use it properly? :wink: ) with all the improvements that I can't…
  • Month 2 week 2 done! But, it was difficult this week. For long durations I had to put in some serious brain power at work and it was very taxing after an Insanity workout. That and a long relaxing weekend trip made committing to the final two workouts a total badger. But, I pushed play y'all! *sticks her tongue out all…
  • I totally agree with pauldox and wjelly, month 1 no phenotypic changes, then recovery week....my body finally realized that I meant business. It is slowly going though, no miracles, just hard work and a healthier body (and mind) each day I push play. Just for the record, I don't care if it takes me 3 consecutive rounds; I…
  • @pauldoxsee Great Job! Recovery week is nice. Enjoy.
  • @RevGillTC On rest days I just do light yoga, which I pretty much do everyday regardless of the torture Shaun T has in store for me :p So, for those of you who just finished week one of month 2...are you as sore and spent as I am? I could barely do half of Max Recovery's maneuvers and it still totally spent what strength I…
  • OK, I take it back, I must have gotten a fabulous workout. Because... I just spent the last hour at my desk doing work stuffs and when I stood up leave my office I was SO sore! Hello, are those my deltoids? I didn't know my love handles _had_ muscles.....
  • Today I enjoyed my first go at Max Plyo. But, I didn't feel like I got that huge of a workout. I think it was mostly due to fact that I spent a fair bit of time trying to figure out proper form for some of the moves, they're pretty complicated at first introduction. It may also be due to the fact that I pulled out a pair…
  • Oh my goodness, y'all aren't joking about day 1 of month 2. I was totally slayed today. The Max Interval Circuit is fun but brutal. Some of those moves require some serious coordination. At first, not being able to do the side by side handstand jump-up things with some level of grace was getting me down, but by the third…
  • Recovery week has been fun. I enjoyed the cardio core and balance workouts. A day off and then it's into month 2 and the Max circuit. eeeek!
  • I made it 2 days! It felt great and easy. But, tonight is pub night with my father. He needs it. It's his social event of the week (mine too, but don't tell anyone). Nonetheless, I will be indulging but will get right back on that wagon afterwards.
  • @wjelly; great job finishing month 1! So, it's official, Recovery Week = the week you see serious physical results. Hallelujah! Within 3 days of recovery week I've dropped like 4 inches in my waist alone. Crazy. Each day that stubborn layer of fat that hid my awesome muscles is vanishing like magic. I love it. And recovery…
  • This thread is hilarious; I've found my people! I've been so wanting to cut back on the alcohol consumption, but then a fine Pinot Noir or IPA calls my name! And he has at least 3 tasty buddies that need to be in my belly. The torture. But 2 weeks eh? I think I can do this. I need to do this. All my good intentions get…
  • @mekflari, I've entered recovery week today and I feel the same as you did entering it. I'm flat out tired and sore. And my feet! they are on FIRE! You mentioned changing shoes and it helped, what sort of shoes did you change into? I've rotated various running shoes and my Vibrams, the latter seems the best so far, but my…
  • I am fairly strong, like bull, but in the recent past I've topped at ~200lbs (I think, I don't DO scales). And I carry it all in my gut (sigh, to only have a booty). Nonetheless, when midlife started adding weight with my regular fairly healthy lifestyle, I bought the Insanity program with great intentions. It took 2 years…
  • New to this site. But, have been reading the threads via THE Google ;) Gives a boost, fo' sho. I'm looking forward to 2nd month. Good to hear someone loving the hurt. I'm beginning recovery week tomorrow. My body is tired but happy with me, though my feet burn like hell-fire. Like seriously, I've run ultra marathons before…