

  • You can do too much cardio, you will know if you plateau. That means if you start doing exercise and you just feel weak or you aren't getting results for a week or so. Women are more prone to that than men are. Start off slow and build up - and when you are still at the point where you are challenging your body and tired…
  • I am having a similar issue - I am on medications that suppress my appetite and for months I was eating once a day. My doctor is making me eat 5 times (small meals) a day now. I go for foods that are nutrition dense as well because I have some issues with not getting enough vitamins, etc... So the advice about eating small…
  • We just had one due to Irene, so eat it before it turns into a liquid mess (which it will) but make sure you spend some time cleaning up the house for exercise LOL :) We had bought ice and put it in the freezer and fridge (our outage was 4.5 days) but the ice cream melts fast, nothing else in the freezer thawed, though.
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